Team Hume Targa Newfoundland Blog

Targa Newfoundland 2017


Day two at Targa Newfoundland, all about the weather

Hello from lake Newfoundland!
Yes, rain, rain and well more rain. We ran 8 races all in the rain. The race only lost one car today, despite all the water, water everywhere. Our four cars all did very well, even me! The scoring for GT is in question, so I am not able to report where our two MINIs stand. John Jr is I believe penalty free. I only picked up 10 or 12 penalty points myself. No too shabby for a rookie in my class. I believe I am 7th from the bottom. In other words six teams are worse off than me! Spirits are high in all four cars and our wonderful service crew are keeping these overworked racing machines in excellent shape. I hear the weather is supposed to be a tad less wet tomorrow. Phew let’s hope so, I was soaking wet most of the day. Dummy here did not bring rain coat or umbrella with him. Note to wife insist next time, will ya!
All for now,
John HumeOn the way in Harbour Mille