Team Hume Targa Newfoundland Blog

Targa Newfoundland 2017


Hello from the Rock

Wednesday was another rock em sock em crash bang kind of day here.

The Provincial Works Dept here decided to replace the TCP #1 as we had to transit to our first race of the day. As a result many competitor’s tires became retreaded with a thick layer of fresh tar. As a result many on the first race of the day had minimal traction and drove off the course or crashed.

However, John Jr and Ron in their M3 #9 are doing very well. They managed to keep it on the road and are near the top in their division. Same can be said for Jon and Briar in # 1135 and Craig and Justin in # 1333 both sit at the top of the GT class.

The last two races of the day through Clarenville went off on time and were a blast to watch.

Until tomorrow.
From Team.