Almost ready for Friday!
After the high drama of the “car hood stuck shut” incident last Thursday; our cars being dropped off three days too soon in St. John’s (Tuesday) without any security; thus requiring arrangements for transport to safe haven (thank you BMW St. John’s); plus a few other technical hick-ups; and a very nervous supplier phoning me last minute suggesting withdrawal of services rendered (no names Kim).
All this just to keep our stress levesl and blood pressures up, “PHEW!”
I say “Is it Friday yet?” The sooner the better.
Oh, but wait there’s more!
A tropical storm warning is in effect for St. John’s for this Friday, Saturday and Sunday!!!
To date, our departure from Toronto to St. John’s is certainly “more interesting” and eventful than last year.
Wish us luck and a safe journey – and swimming is not on the agenda, so far!
From Team Hume